Das Schaudepot


The Schaudepot – Spezial V – Die Gesellschaft (The Society), Kodak et al., 18.3.2023, 2-8 p.m.

Schaudepot Special presents, among other things, in the afternoon ‘The Society’ and ‘The Children's Society" with guests from around the world, an ‘An idea lab on the potential of virtual reality for blind and visually impaired persons’ by and with Steven Solbrig, Matthias Nagel and guests.In the evening we look forward to the reception on the occasion of the German Theater Award ‘Der Faust’ for "Das Schaudepot" and the presentation of the new performance ‘Kodak’ for adults and children by and with Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado!

Program The Schaudepot – Spezial V

2 pm 
Guided tour through the Schaudepot with Bernhard Herbordt 

2:30 pm + 3:15 pm
‘Die Gesellschaft’ (The Society), Performances with Melanie Mohren, Neo Hülcker and Armin Wieser (2:30 pm in German), Karina Pino and Alessandra Santiesteban (3:15 pm in English)

 ‘The Children's Society, a play for children and young adults by and with Tina Pantisano

4:00 p.m.
‘Blinding Virtual Reality?’,  An idea lab on the potential of performative formats of virtual reality forblind and visually impaired persons by Steven Solbrig and Matthias Nagel, with Ricardo Gehn (OutOfTheBox), Maila Giesder (Audio Description), Cora Lenz and Mario Doulis (Merz Akademie, Stuttgart) (in German) 

6 pm
Acceptance of the German Theatre Prize ‘Der Faust’ for 'Das Schaudepot’ with Judica Albrecht, Marc Gegenfurtner, Martina Grohmann (in German)

6:15 pm
"Zur Tradition in uns. Die Kunst, das kulturelle Gedächtnis des Theaters zu sichern "(On the tradition within us: The Art of Securing Cultural Memory of Theatre)", a short lecture by Professor Dr. Wolfgang Schneider, Chairman of the Performing Arts Fund and Chairman of the Initiative for the Archives of the Free Performing Arts (in German)

6:30 pm 
Kodak’, a performance for children and adults by and with Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado (in German and English)

7 pm
Food performance by and with Marcus Bergmann. 


We look forward to seeing you!
Registration required at info@die-institution.org or 0711-88892770.

Accessibility information can be found here.
‘Das Schaudepot’ is sponsored by the state capital Stuttgart. 

Blinding Virtual Reality?’ is funded by the state capital Stuttgart in the program ‘Stuttgart für alle inclusiv’.

The adaptation of ‘Kodak’ is supported by the state capital Stuttgart in the program of international cultural exchange. 

Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing