Das Schaudepot


The Play by Herbordt/Mohren

‘Das Stück’ (‘The Play’) documents and establishes a fictional institution. ‘Das Stück’ is performed in various formats for spectators and a publication. At the Schaudepot as an audio walk.

‘Das Stück’ (‘The Play’) invites you to read, pause and stroll. Viewers search for the vestiges of a fictitious institution and become its actual protagonists. In art galleries, a temporarily used living space, on theatre stages, marketplaces or in the immediate vicinity of the Schaudepot. The boundaries between what was and what will be (or could be) are blurred.

Awarded the Stuttgart Theatre Prize 2013.

Available immediately.

The performancehas an integrated audio description. For more information, please contact info@die-institution.org or call +49 (0)711 - 88892770. 

Further information about the history of ,The Play‘ can be found here.


  • Katharina Zoffmann (voice)
  • Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt (concept, text, direction, sound, video)
  • René Liebert (programming)
  • Demian Bern (graphic design)
  • Viola van Beek (editing)


‘Das Stück’ (‘The Play’) is a production by Herbordt/Mohren, supported by the Landesverband Freier Theater Baden-Württemberg e.V. with funds from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg and by Fonds Darstellende Künste e. V., in cooperation with: Akademie Schloss Solitude Stuttgart, Arttours Stuttgart, C60 Collaboratorium Bochum, Die Junge Akademie an der Berlin-Brandenburgischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher Leopoldina, Festival Wunder der Prärie 2013, Frankfurt LAB, Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt, Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Tanzpanorama 2012 / Rough Cuts Festival, zeitraumexit e.V. Mannheim, et al.

Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing