Das Schaudepot


The Theatre by Herbordt/Mohren

What if a whole village were staged as a performance? From October 2015 to October 2018, Herbordt/Mohren invited people to performative country parties in Michelbach an der Lücke every second Sunday.

Signage on the way o the theatre
Photo: Florian Model

‘Das Theater’ takes the audience on a tour of theatre installations. Empty rooms around the central village square are used as archives, guest houses, cinemas, museums and theatres. The audience is invited on an excursion between stage and everyday life, between citizens’ initiative and art. Originally constructed in, with and for Michelbach an der Lücke, ‘Das Theater’ can now also be experienced at the Schaudepot.

Available immediately.

The performance has an integrated audio description. For more information, please contact info@die-institution.org or call +49 (0)711 - 88892770. 

Further information about the history of ,The Theate‘ can be found here.

Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing Photo: Dominique Brewing

Adaption of ‚Das Theater‘ at the Schaudepot. Photos: Dominique Brewing


  • Von und mit zahlreichen Bürger:innen aus Michelbach an der Lücke
  • Gabriela Oberkofler, Gordon Kampe, Michael, Kleine, Michl Schmidt (artistic contributions)
  • Judica Albrecht und Armin Wieser (performance)
  • Melanie Mohren und Bernhard Herbordt (concept, artistic direction)
  • Leonie Mohr und Hannes Hartmann (equipment, setup)
  • René Liebert (video)
  • Laura Oppenhäuser (collaboration)
  • Amelie Hafner (assistance)
  • Norman Thörel (technical direction)
  • ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro (production management)
  • Dieter Andörfer, Helmut Dietz, Stephen Herter, Michael Schramm (Bühnenbau)
  • Bernhard Siebert (media work)
  • Demian Bern (graphic design)
  • Viola van Beek (editing)
  • Claudia Gienger, Florian Model (photography)


A production of Herbordt/Mohren in cooperation with Theater Rampe Stuttgart and the municipality of Wallhausen, supported by the Innovationsfonds Kunst of the Ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg, and the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. – three-year conceptual funding, financed by the German Federal Government.

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