Neighbourhood Academy

Two people start a conversation. They share what they know and answer each other’s questions. The Neighbourhood Academy is continually developing and expanding. With your help, for example.
In the form of cushions, armrests, leaning aids and rain shelters, the Neighbourhood Academy provides a home for these conversations. Along Liststrasse, between the Theater Rampe (Filderstrasse 47, Stuttgart) and the first Schaudepot for the performing arts (Altenbergstrasse 10, Stuttgart). First produced in Michelbach an der Lücke as part of ‘Das Theater’, the neighbourhood academy has now found its way to Stuttgart with the opening of the Schaudepot.
Available immediately.
- Hannes Schwertfeger (temporary architecture)
- Ingrid Mitterer (pillows)
- Melanie Mohren und Bernhard Herbordt (concept)
The adaption of Nachbarschaftsakademie für ,Das Schaudepot‘ was supported with a three year concept funding by the Fonds Darstellende Künste e.V. aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien, and funded by the impulse programm Kunst trotz Abstand from the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts Baden-Württemberg, as well as by the Office for Culture of the City of Stuttgart.