Das Schaudepot


Turn Turtle Turn – Performance by Oblivia, 16.11.2024, 16-17:30 Uhr, Premiere

The finish performance collective Oblivia presents an adaptation of their recent music theatre production, commissioned by the Münchener Biennale (premiere 5 June 2024), exclusively at Schaudepot, Stuttgart.

How did humanity come to a point where the answer to global warming and the imminent threat of extinction seems to be even more cynical exploitation and a longing for security that has us revering a (fictitious) glorious past?

With the big experimental music theatre performance ‚Turn Turtle Turn‘ Oblivia dived into a new cycle of works which centre around the idea of the anthropocene. Oblivia looks at the emotional landscapes behind today’s precarious situation of climate change and political backlash by focusing on emotions that seem to accompany both phenomena – like the feelings of loss, nostalgia, and catastrophe euphoria. 

While guiding the audience through the multifaceted and often baffling performative journey from mourning to hope, Oblivia explores the possibilities of dissolving and re-interpreting the Anthropocene worldview that is so decisively based on the human perspective only. 

A Virtual Reality-Performance with analogue figurines and a journey through billions of years awaits you at Schaudepot.

Available immediately.


The adaptation has been kindly supported by the International Cultural Exchange Program, Kulturamt der Stadt Stuttgart. 


Performers: Timo Fredriksson, Anna-Maija Terävä, Annika Tudeer, Juha Valkeapää, Nagisa Shibata (percussions), Yiran Zhao (electronic live music)
Concept, Direction, Dramaturgy, Texts: Oblivia
Composer: Yiran Zhao
Light design, projections: Meri Ekola
Costume design: Tua Helve
Graphic design: RÖD / Jenni Salminen
Communications: Essi Brunberg, Nassrah-Alexia Denif, Lisa Carolin Schubert
Production manager: Jenny Nordlund
Supported by: Arts Promotion Centre Finland, Svenska kulturfonden, Helsinki City, Konstsamfundet, Stiftelsen Tre Smeder
Residency: Musiktheatertage Wien

Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt Photo: Luzie Marquardt