Das Schaudepot


Wave by Emilia Dorr and Tyler Cunningham

This exercise is only possible in a group of minimum 3 people. You need an elastic with a length of minimum 4 meters, according to the size of your group.

1. Assemble yourself in a circle.

2. Place the elastic in your lower backs, close to the sacrum. The elastic is hold by all the persons that are involved.

3. Perceive your weight and the point of contact of your body with the elastic; perceive the soft movement and impulses as waves that the elastic gives to you. The movements and waves you feel travel along the elastic, reaching to everyone. Feel the rocking, appreciate the unbalance.

4. When one of these waves give you an impulse to the center of the circle, follow that impulse changing your position to another place in the elastic. All in the group do this.

5. Find again a pause, perceive again the waves and rocking. Walk slowly to the center to disassemble the elastic.

Photo: Warm-Up by Emilia Dorr and Tyler Cunningham in the frame of JETZT!-Festival Cultural Region Stuttgart, Marbach, 2.10.2024. Foto: Frank Kleinbach