Turn Turtle Turn - Virtual Reality-Performance by Oblivia
The Game by Viviana González Méndez
Astroneto: Dance in Space by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado
The Book of Fire (Livro de Fogo) by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado
Kodak von Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado
The Schaudepot - lunch break
The Schaudepot always opens on Tuesdays for a quick performance during the lunch break. The offer also includes tactile guided tours, performances with audio description or in German sign language. Individual appointment from 12: 00 to 14: 00 at info@die-institution.org.
The Society (Die Gesellschaft) von Herbordt/Mohren
Guided tours
The Festival – Online-Performance with Judica Albrecht and Armin Wieser
The children’s festival with Matthias Engler, Anja Füsti and Tina Pantisano
The Black Circle by Emilija Tolj and Cennet Uyar
The black circle symbolizes the characteristics and abilities of people with experiences of discrimination that are stripped out and cut out by the white majority society.
The Festival by Herbordt/Mohren
Tutorial Takdir. The recognition by Ülku Süngün
Dance Library: Festival Fantasies by Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado
Little Wonders of the Prairie by Bureau Baubotanik
Neighbourhood Academy
The Play by Herbordt/Mohren
The Theatre by Herbordt/Mohren
The Movement by Herbordt/Mohren