Das Schaudepot


Catalogue: Performances

Turn Turtle Turn - Virtual Reality-Performance by Oblivia
Turn Turtle Turn - Virtual Reality-Performance by Oblivia: The finish performance collective Oblivia presents an adaptation of their recent music theatre production, commissioned by the Münchener Biennale (premiere 5 June 2024), exclusively at Schaudepot, Stuttgart.
The Game by Viviana González Méndez
The Game by Viviana González Méndez: This game comes from learning about how traditions, coming from rural and suburban context of popular Andean world, understand and create relationships with their surroundings. Distilled from these traditions is, especially, the idea that space is understood as a community of beings that are interwoven and in constant dialogue with each other. By this logic, there is no hierarchical difference between the human and other beings. But if we accept that places can be beings, then we should also include them as part of this community. And what surrounds us are not simply objects but living entities with which we could establish relations of reciprocity.
Astroneto: Dance in Space by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado
Astroneto: Dance in Space  by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado: The first book in the ‘Paper Choreography’ collection, ‘Astroneto: dance in space’ originates from the performance ‘Desastro’, by Neto Machado, which dives into the adventure of Major Tom, from the song “Space Oddity” by David Bowie, in his travel to space and attempt to explore the unknown.
The Book of Fire (Livro de Fogo) by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado
The Book of Fire (Livro de Fogo) by Jorge Alencar und Neto Machado: ‘Livro de Fogo’ is a book-game that proposes to open a board and share stories that nurture us: stories that we remember, that we know, that we hear, that we invent, that we dream, that we miss. A book rooted in paper and continually written orally, in exchange, in the body.
Kodak von Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado
Kodak von Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado: ,Kodak‘ is a performance for kids in which 100 colorful archive boxes build a world of giant legos or a Mindcraft universe, in continuous construction. They turn into buildings, labyrinths, theater sets and whatever else is needed. From within them, more and more surprises emerge that multiply the possibilities of thought, perception and movement.
The Schaudepot - lunch break The Schaudepot always opens on Tuesdays for a quick performance during the lunch break. The offer also includes tactile guided tours, performances with audio description or in German sign language. Individual appointment from 12: 00 to 14: 00 at info@die-institution.org. The Society (Die Gesellschaft) von Herbordt/Mohren
The Society (Die Gesellschaft) von Herbordt/Mohren:
Guided tours
Guided tours: During the guided tours, Melanie Mohren and Bernhard Herbordt present the Schaudepot. Online via Zoom or on site.
The Festival – Online-Performance with Judica Albrecht and Armin Wieser
The Festival – Online-Performance with Judica Albrecht and Armin Wieser: ‘The Festival’ is based on a collection of impossible programme contributions: 
In the online performance, you will encounter Judica Albrecht and Armin Wieser as they speak out against the impossibilities of these programme contributions, against forgetting and being forgotten. The two report from remote regions, taste pieces of new music together and with you. Via Zoom and yet in the same room of the Schaudepot. The boundaries between the past and the present, live events and recording, document and fiction are blurred in an almost twisted game of deception.
The children’s festival with Matthias Engler, Anja Füsti and Tina Pantisano
The children’s festival with Matthias Engler, Anja Füsti and Tina Pantisano: Eleven composers have written new pieces of music for children for the performance of “The Festival”.
The Black Circle by Emilija Tolj and Cennet Uyar The black circle symbolizes the characteristics and abilities of people with experiences of discrimination that are stripped out and cut out by the white majority society. The Festival by Herbordt/Mohren
Tutorial Takdir. The recognition by Ülku Süngün
Tutorial Takdir. The recognition by Ülku Süngün: At the Schaudepot you can expect: a site-specific installation with the interactive video “Tutorial Takdir. Die Anerkennung” (2021, 5 min, Credits: Open Process/ASA-FF e. V, Chemnitz), which will be expanded with further videos and image material of different performances as well as their use in the context of activist actions. Props of the performance, including a large-format banner and certificates, question the archiving of a performance without the presence of the artist.
Dance Library: Festival Fantasies by Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado
Dance Library: Festival Fantasies by Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado: “Dance Library: Festival Fantasies” is a choreographic situation by and with Jorge Alencar and Neto Machado. The online performance is based on their installation, “Dance Library”. Here and there, the two transform their bodies into dancing books and tell the audience about almost forgotten performances. Interactive and intimate.
NORM IS F!KTION #1/2 by NAF: Personal, human needs stand in contrast to the (luxury department store) world, its bourgeois values and codes and the exhaustive imperative: Always keep moving! Space is a resource. Shopping is one option among many.
Little Wonders of the Prairie by Bureau Baubotanik
Little Wonders of the Prairie by Bureau Baubotanik: “Kleine Wunder der Prärie” (“Little Wonders of the Prairie”) is a short stroll through the botanical landscape to the collection of small and medium sized discoveries. The miracle unfolds the moment that - with a little assistance - attention is paid to tread plants.
Neighbourhood Academy
Neighbourhood Academy: Two people start a conversation. They share what they know and answer each other’s questions. The Neighbourhood Academy is continually developing and expanding. With your help, for example.
The Play by Herbordt/Mohren
The Play by Herbordt/Mohren: ‘Das Stück’ (‘The Play’) documents and establishes a fictional institution. ‘Das Stück’ is performed in various formats for spectators and a publication. At the Schaudepot as an audio walk.
The Theatre by Herbordt/Mohren
The Theatre by Herbordt/Mohren: What if a whole village were staged as a performance? From October 2015 to October 2018, Herbordt/Mohren invited people to performative country parties in Michelbach an der Lücke every second Sunday.
The Movement by Herbordt/Mohren
The Movement by Herbordt/Mohren: New movements challenge politics and society. How, where and by whom do they arise? What changes can come from them? And what role does art have to play in the process?