Das Schaudepot


‘Theater aus dem Schaudepot. Performance-Perlen archiviert’ by Dietrich Heissenbüttel, CONTEXT Wochenzeitung 614 of 4.1.2023 (in German).

“The Schaudepot for the Performing Arts is a unique place where the audience can explore theatre in a very special way. Bernhard Herbordt and Melanie Mohren have archived their pieces there. And they are available for a guided tour or a program at any time.

"Good afternoon! Welcome!", reads Bernhard Herbordt from the script of his own play, "Das Theater". “Would you care to join us?” Actually, the text is by Franz Kafka. “Come closer. It's the biggest theater in the world!” Inside, visitors gather in the small rooms; it's cozy.

The Schaudepot is located in the basement of an apartment building in the southern part of Stuttgart. It was once the workshop of a tiler. From a reception room with a black counter you go straight into the 'office', then through the basement hallway into the 'cinema', which is also the technical room. Devices such as projectors, cameras and tools are stored here, which can also be borrowed; the Schaudepot works together with the Verein Teilbar. The actual depot, just to the right of the entrance, is an elongated room, just 14 square meters in size.

Schaudepots other typically occur in art collections: if there's not enough space on the walls of a museum, some of the works remain in the depot, but can be pulled out of the shelf and viewed there.”

Excerpt from the article by Dietrich Heissenbüttel for the KONTEXT Wochenzeitung Ausgabe #614, Schaubühne dated 4.1.2023

Link to the full article (in German).