Das Schaudepot


Tisch-Performances, 13.7.2024, 16-17:30 Uhr

Performances an Tischen können große Ideen im kleinen Maßstab realisieren. Und im direktem Kontakt mit ihrem Publikum. Die (ehemaligen) Studierenden des Masters ,Theorie und Praxis experimenteller Performance‘ an der HMDK Stuttgart Tyler Cunningham, Emilia Dorr und Teppei Higuchi zeigen eigene Interpretationen dieses besonderen Theater-Formats.

,hangovers‘ von Tyler Cunningham

,Through Zoom-call interviews, never-performed theater scripts, lectures into their research, hangovers looks at long-term family research into a missing ancestor, Avram Alter, who was deported from the United States back to Poland for failing a mental examination at age 14. What are the limits of speaking on behalf of the dead?‘ Tyler Cunningham

,Ephemeral sharings‘ von Emilia Dorr

,An attempt to explore the complexities of relationships; a manifestation of how specific moments become embedded in the spaces we inhabit and in our bodies and memory; a search for meaning through the encounter with space, people and absence; an effort to give space to the unknown and perhaps, to bring back a memory in the forgotten.‘ Emilia Dorr

,Naming Breathing‘ von Teppei Higuchi

,When I couldn’t breathe in Stuttgart, I decided to breathe Stuttgart in as well as breathe Stuttgart out – because every breathing I found was lurking behind names. Lately I found out I could breathe better when I crossed all the names out. How can then such breathing be different from its naming of “breathing”? I dream such breathing of Malcom X, in 1964, when asked by an interviewer quoting Shakespeare; ,What’s in a name?‘ What’s in a name? But perhaps you are not a name, so I can help you breathe Stuttgart out.‘ Teppei Higuchi 

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Gefördert durch die Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart.

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